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Weddings, shehnai, glitter…

meets Gold!

A made-for-each-other combination. Created just to make you look heavenly. Shine on, angel!

weds Sultry!

propositions Sleek!

Contemporary, slender lines and a bold, vibrant print takes this ensemble out of the ordinary and turns into wedding worthy. Look chic and charming — match with vibrant dangler earrings and step forward with a smile!

Traditional married
to Contemporary!

When ancient meets modern and makes a go of it, you get outfits that meld two worlds successfully. A beautiful blue with traditional motifs styled to today’s aesthetics. Look good and feel great!

Chic and Charm,
arm in arm!

A blue diamond print, with charming swirly skirt makes for a ultra-feminine ensemble with seductive flair.

Sweet going steady
with Innocence!

This playful pink creation softly whispers, “Baby doll meets Princess Daisy!” Enjoy its cute, girly charm and be ready for chocolates and flowers! Stay sweet sixteen forever!

Pink meets

Temptresses come in all colours of the rainbow. This pink confetti outfit while apparently in shades of the sweetest and purest, clearly signals allure and heady days ahead!

Dance the nights away, sing songs of love and meet the festivities with open heart and welcoming arms — Enjoy!!!!!